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Creating sustainable impact: Strategies for stable collaborations between companies and NGOs

Las alianzas a largo plazo entre empresas y organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) son cruciales para lograr un impacto sostenible.

In an increasingly interconnected world, long-term partnerships between businesses and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are crucial to achieving sustainable impact. These collaborations go beyond traditional philanthropy, encompassing the integration of resources, knowledge and strategies to address complex challenges.

Key Strategies for Effective Alliances

The most successful alliances are based on a shared vision and goals. For example, the partnership between the technology company Microsoft and the United Nations Agency UNICEF. Together, they work on digital learning projects for children in disadvantaged areas, pooling their resources and knowledge to maximize educational impact.

Establishing a long-term commitment ensures that actions have a lasting impact. The collaboration between Starbucks and Conservation International to promote sustainable coffee farming is a notable example. For more than two decades, they have worked together to improve agricultural practices and farmer well-being.

Maintaining open and transparent communication is vital. An example is the alliance between the pharmaceutical company Merck and the NGO Plan International in a maternal health program in Uganda, where constant communication between both parties has been key to continually adapt and improve the program.

Alliances must be flexible and adapt to changes. The collaboration between the supermarket chain Tesco and the Waste & Resources Action Program (WRAP) organization in the United Kingdom to reduce food waste is a good example. Through regular evaluations, they have been able to adjust their strategies and tactics to be more effective.

Long-term strategic alliances between companies and NGOs can generate significant and lasting changes. By combining the resources and expertise of the private sector with the knowledge and reach of NGOs, these collaborations can address some of the world’s most pressing problems effectively and sustainably. The key to success lies in setting shared goals, making a long-term commitment, maintaining transparency, and being willing to continually adapt.

Creating sustainable impact: Strategies for stable collaborations between companies and NGOs

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