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New alliances, new financing mechanisms

En 2021, la acción humanitaria solo cubrió el 56% de las necesidades, destacando la importancia de buscar nuevas alianzas financieras. La Fundación LH Europa fomenta colaboraciones entre sectores empresariales y humanitarios para responder eficazmente a emergencias en América Latina.

International humanitarian action experienced, in 2021, the second largest funding gap in history. Only 56% of the interventions were covered.

The twenty largest donors provided 97% of all public international humanitarian funding. Of this financing, 86% was directed to countries with prolonged crises.

The top ten recipients absorbed 60% of the total funds allocated to countries.

This situation pushes us to promote new alliances that allow alternative financing mechanisms for the humanitarian sector.

At the LH Europe Foundation we generate synergies between the business and humanitarian sectors to respond more efficiently to emergencies that They occur in Latin America.

New alliances, new financing mechanisms

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