About us

Who are we?

We are a team of professionals who come from very different sectors, but we are united by the conviction that innovative formulas can be found where the humanitarian sector and companies can pool their resources and knowledge to address humanitarian emergencies.

Alliances for the future

The humanitarian sector, increasingly professionalized, also suffers from economic crises and the decrease in the allocation of resources to carry out its projects. On the other hand, companies are increasingly aware of the importance of generating a positive social and environmental impact on their environment.

At the Foundation we wanted to unite these two realities to create an aid fund aimed at serving the most vulnerable population in Latin America and the Caribbean. Nutrition, health, safe water supply, education and the use of technological innovation are the areas of intervention that we prioritize, and donations from the private sector can make a difference in ensuring the economic viability of these initiatives .

Strategic lines

Fund raising for humanitarian projects in Latin America and the Caribbean

We work proactively with private companies to secure significant donations that support specific projects aimed at combating hunger and malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, in collaboration with the World Food Programme.

Education and awareness about the SDGs in Spain

We implement innovative educational strategies to disseminate and promote the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs among young people, parents, educators and society in general in Spain. We use dynamic and playful educational tools to increase understanding and awareness of global challenges and the importance of collective action.

Strengthening alliances and collaboration networks

We seek to establish strategic alliances with organizations, institutions and companies committed to sustainable development and the SDGs, both locally and internationally, to amplify our impact and strengthen our capacity for action.

Innovation and continuous improvement

We are constantly searching for new innovative ways to address challenges related to hunger, malnutrition and SDG education, adopting creative and adaptive approaches to maximize our impact and effectiveness.

Transparency and accountability

We maintain high standards of transparency and accountability in all our activities and operations, ensuring that donations received are used efficiently and effectively to achieve our humanitarian and sustainable development goals.

Creant aliances duradores para obtener beneficios sociales y económicos

La nostra fundació es dedica a crear aliances entre el sector humanitari i empresa privada. Aquestes aliances generen beneficis socials i econòmics que tenen un impacte durador a les comunitats.

Impacto Social

A través de nuestras alianzas y proyectos, podemos abordar problemas sociales urgentes y marcar una diferencia positiva en las vidas de quienes lo necesitan. Desde el acceso a educación de calidad hasta la promoción de la salud y nutrición, nuestros proyectos fomentan una sociedad más informada, saludable y resiliente.

Crecimiento económico

Fomentamos el desarrollo económico sostenible al apoyar el emprendimiento y mejorar las habilidades laborales, lo que facilita la creación de empleo y el aumento de ingresos en las comunidades.


La colaboración es el corazón de nuestro trabajo. A través de nuestras alianzas, reunimos a diversas partes interesadas, incluidas ONG, empresas, gobiernos y comunidades locales, para abordar colectivamente los desafíos sociales y económicos. Al fomentar la colaboración, podemos aprovechar las fortalezas y la experiencia de cada socio para lograr un mayor impacto.


La sostenibilidad es un foco clave de nuestro trabajo. Nos esforzamos por crear soluciones que sean respetuosas con el medio ambiente, socialmente responsables y económicamente viables. Al promover prácticas y modelos de negocio sostenibles, podemos crear un futuro mejor para las generaciones venideras.

Our team

Sandra Aivar

President and Managing Director

After training in Political Science, she dedicated herself to international cooperation, highlighting her work in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti, and finally leading Fundación Logística Humanitaria Europa.

Eduard Gisbert

Vice president

Graduated in commercial expertise and former director of AMEC, he was mayor of El Masnou (2003-2011), leading important infrastructure and community development projects. He participated in the founding of the Cornellà Atlètic athletics club.

Irene Gisbert


President of SOS Costa Brava and anthropologist-perfumer, she leads more than 25 environmental entities to protect the Costa Brava from urban projects that threaten the coastline. Creator of Ainea Perfumes and aromatic lines for various sectors, she continues to innovate in perfumery and cosmetics.

Andreas Schiffer


Graduate in Medicine and Doctor in Public Health, he has been a member of the WHO since 1986. He is a specialist in emergency response, WASH and logistics in humanitarian action, a university professor in Spain and a recognized author in his field.

Marcela Herrera


Graduate in International Studies and Master in International Development and Aid, she has more than 7 years of experience in social development and management of educational projects at an international level, with specialized skills in program design, management and evaluation.

Awards and recognitions

Discover the awards and recognitions that highlights out impactful work.

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Preguntes freqüents

Trobeu respostes a preguntes freqüents sobre la nostra fundació i com podeu participar en els nostres projectes.

Pots contribuir amb la nostra Fundació fent una donació, oferint-nos el teu temps i esforç com a voluntari o associant-te com a empresa privada.

Per ser voluntari amb nosaltres, completa el formulari de sol·licitud de voluntariat al nostre lloc web. Revisarem la teva sol·licitud i ens comunicarem amb tu el més aviat possible.

Si estàs interessat en associar-te amb la nostra Fundació, comunica't amb el nostre equip a l'email [email protected]

Pots fer una donació a un projecte a través de la nostra pàgina web o contactant amb el nostre equip a l'email [email protected]

És la nostra prioritat assegurar la traçabilitat de les donacions i els recursos que se'ns confien, a través del lliurament d'informes periòdics als donants on puguin avaluar l'avenç de les accions del projecte. 
Para más información puede contactarnos al [email protected]

Do you still have questions?

Write to us about any questions and concerns you have. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

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Together we can make a difference and generate positive changes in the world.

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