We generate alliances between the business and humanitarian sectors

Reunión de colaboración entre miembros de una empresa y una organización no gubernamental.

Advantages of partnerships between humanitarian organizations and private companies

  • Positive social impact
  • Improved reputation and brand image
  • Access to specialized knowledge
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Access to additional resources
  • Developing Relationships with Stakeholders
  • Compliance with sustainable development goals

Creating alliances between actors in the humanitarian system and the private sector

At our foundation, we are dedicated to forging strategic alliances between the humanitarian and private sectors, creating a vital bridge that unites solidarity with professionalism.

Our goal is to leverage the resources, innovation and expertise of the private sector to empower and expand the reach of humanitarian organizations.

In doing so, in addition to facilitating a more effective response to urgent global needs, we help companies meet their corporate social responsibility goals.

These alliances represent more than the sum of their parts: they are a powerful collaboration for positive and sustainable change.

We work with the World Food Programme, as the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a path to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflicts, disasters and the impact of climate change. Through fundraising campaigns, we promote international projects on social protection, disaster cycle management and small-scale agriculture.

Together with future genius®, a company with which we have developed the ODS4LIFE project, we bring together young people, parents, educators and society in general to knowledge, understanding and awareness of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

"Kitchen in a Box", to improve the health and nutrition of children and adolescents.

It is a revolutionary initiative of the World Food Program designed to transform the feeding experience in schools and vulnerable communities in El Salvador.

See project

Using drones and artificial intelligence to elevate humanitarian response to new levels and deliver benefits to affected communities.

It is a WFP project to support, through the use of drones, the creation of national capacities and the development of strategies to promote the resilience of the most vulnerable population in the Dominican Republic.

See project

ODS4LIFE: We inspire a positive change in education and values, promoting the commitment of new generations to the SDGs.

Through educational and recreational dynamics, the game seeks to enhance passion for culture, education, knowledge and values.

See project

Access to safe water to improve the health, hygiene and nutrition conditions of indigenous families in Bolivia.

It is a WFP initiative to promote access to safe water to improve the health, hygiene and nutrition conditions of 200 indigenous families of the Chácobo Pacahuara, Tacana Cavineño, Cavineños de la Amazonia and Multiethnic Indigenous Territory Peoples.

See project

La nostra fundació s'enorgulleix de compartir l'impacte tangible de les nostres aliances estratègiques a l'àmbit humanitari. A través de col·laboracions efectives amb socis locals i internacionals, hem aconseguit marcar una diferència significativa a les vides de milers de persones.

Litres d'aigua distribuïts a comunitats d'Amèrica Llatina
Persones que s'han unit als nostres projectes com a Voluntaris
+ 1
Països d'Amèrica Llatina on col·laborem

Col·laboració i Responsabilitat Social

Impulsando el Cambio a través de Asociaciones Colaborativas

Do you want to help us with €1 a month? Join our Group

Kitchen in a Box: kitchens that nourish the future

Frequent questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our foundation and how you can participate in our projects.

You can contribute to our Foundation by making a donation, volunteering your time and effort, or partnering as a private company.

To volunteer with us, complete the volunteer application form on our website. We will review your request and contact you as soon as possible.

If you are interested in partnering with our Foundation, contact our team at [email protected]

You can make a donation to a project through our website or by contacting our team at [email protected]

It is our priority to ensure the traceability of donations and resources entrusted to us, through the delivery of periodic reports to donors where they can evaluate the progress of the project’s actions.
For more information you can contact us at [email protected]

Our team

Sandra Aivar

President and Managing Director

After training in Political Science, she dedicated herself to international cooperation, highlighting her work in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti, and finally leading Fundación Logística Humanitaria Europa.

Eduard Gisbert

Vice president

Graduated in commercial expertise and former director of AMEC, he was mayor of El Masnou (2003-2011), leading important infrastructure and community development projects. He participated in the founding of the Cornellà Atlètic athletics club.

Irene Gisbert


President of SOS Costa Brava and anthropologist-perfumer, she leads more than 25 environmental entities to protect the Costa Brava from urban projects that threaten the coastline. Creator of Ainea Perfumes and aromatic lines for various sectors, she continues to innovate in perfumery and cosmetics.

Andreas Schiffer


Graduate in Medicine and Doctor in Public Health, he has been a member of the WHO since 1986. He is a specialist in emergency response, WASH and logistics in humanitarian action, a university professor in Spain and a recognized author in his field.

Marcela Herrera


Graduate in International Studies and Master in International Development and Aid, she has more than 7 years of experience in social development and management of educational projects at an international level, with specialized skills in program design, management and evaluation.

Join as a volunteer

Every individual has the power to make a significant difference. We invite you to be part of a transformative force.

Organizaciones con las que trabajamos.

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