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Why is there a Humanitarian Hub in Panama?

Panamá, con su estratégica ubicación geoestratégica y estable entorno, ofrece ventajas únicas para la logística humanitaria, incluyendo rápida conectividad y reducida vulnerabilidad a desastres naturales, optimizando así las operaciones de ayuda.

There are many reasons, among which we can mention:

In reference to its environmental stability, Panama is located in theIntertropical Convergence Zone. This Zone is the region that circulates the earth, near the equator, where the collision of winds from the Caribbean and Pacific occurs. The area promotes the creation of the dry and rainy season, instead of the four seasons. This area, together with the Coriolis force, promotes the formation of tropical cyclones. However, this same force diverts the path of the cyclones to the right. Panama is rarely in the path of cyclones due to this effect.

The location is strategic due to its proximity to disaster-prone areas, lower vulnerability to natural phenomena and a logistics platform that, as a whole, provides direct benefits to this cluster such as:

Why is there a Humanitarian Hub in Panama?

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